Friday, February 4, 2011

What happens when you wake up at 4:30am

So the puppy woke me up at 4:30am. I'm glad - it means she peed outside and not on my bedroom floor. However (comma) today that meant my brain woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. So I've been awake doing odds and ends - clearing out my Facebook message inbox (I know), writing a couple emails, FINALLY putting those CDs I've been meaning to return to Jay in an envelope AND addressing it (aren't you proud of me?), putzing around with my FB profile, and realizing that I haven't blogged in, oh, about forever. Lots of reasons for that....some very good reasons, some not-so-good reasons, some just pure laziness. So I went back through my Facebook notes from the last year and a half or so, decided since we're about to hit Ash Wednesday that starting at Lent 2010 was as good a starting point as any, and have reprinted(?) a selection of my notes from the last year here on this blog.

Hopefully, this will be the start of regular blogging again. Keep your fingers crossed. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully, when people realize that I'm actually writing again, more people will stumble across this blog and start reading it. Hopefully, it will not just contain the text of my FB notes (which in turn are the text of my weekly-ish meditations to the youth of St. John's).

So we'll see. I've got good intentions, but you know what they say about those! :)

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