Friday, February 4, 2011

Peace Train Lyrics (copyright Cat Stevens) - boy, still relevant today! - originally posted September 2010

Lately, more than usual, music and lyrics have really had an effect on me. (Usually it's something I read in a book) But music and lyrics are starting to speak to me more and more deeply, and I'd love to share some of them with you from time to time. I heard this song this morning on Pandora, and I really LISTENED to the words. Wow. This song is from 1971, but I think it's just as relevant today...I hope many of my teenagers will read this too - even though it's an "oldie".

Now I've been happy lately

Thinking about the good things to come

And I believe it could be

Something good has begun

I've been smiling lately

Dreaming about the world as one

And I believe it could be

Something good's bound to come

For out on the edge of darkness

There runs the peace train

Peace train take this country

Come take me home again

Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on the peace train

Peace train's a holy roller

Everyone jump upon the peace train


This is the peace train

Get your bags together

Come bring your good friends too

Because it's getting nearer

Soon it will be with you

Come and join the living

It's not so far from you

And it's getting nearer

Soon it will all be true

Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on the peace train

I've been crying lately

Thinking about the world as it is

Why must we go on hating?

Why can't we live in bliss?

For out on the edge of darkness

There rides the peace train

Peace train take this country

Come take me home again

Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on the peace train

Come on, come on, come on the peace train...----

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