Friday, February 4, 2011

Speak your mind - even if your voice shakes (originally posted October 2010)

This week, as articles and videos and news about deaths by bullying have flooded the internet, I can do no better than to offer you this link. Please click on it and read the blog entry:

I shared it on my Facebook page, and I know many of you saw it, but I want to share it again – and encourage you to take up (or continue) the challenge. I say continue, because I know you, and I know how compassionate and kind you already are. I’m asking you to be intentionally compassionate and kind to the “outsiders” – and you know as well as I do that every school has them. Show God’s love to those who are being hurt by others. Find a way – large or small, it doesn’t matter. Be a link in the chain of love around these outsiders so that together, we can show them they are not really “outsiders” – they are our brothers and sisters. Demonstrate to bullies by your kind actions that we will not put up with that kind of cruelty.

At this point, you might be thinking, “Well, yeah, but if I get in the middle of something, I could get hurt!” or “If I snitch on the bullies, then they’ll come after me!” And you know what? I get that. I remember middle and high school, I remember retribution, and I remember being the object of teasing at times. So what I’m asking for you to do is what you can do. It may just be a small thing. But please, don’t choose to do NOTHING. That’s all.

Have a blessed week, my friends – I love you!

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