Friday, February 4, 2011

Veterans' Day 2010 - Thank You, Veterans (simple words that mean so much to so many)

Greater love hath no man, than that he lays down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 (King James Version)
Every Veteran’s Day, I have this Bible verse in my head all day long. In context, it is Jesus speaking about his imminent crucifixion and death at the Last Supper, after he’s washed his disciples’ feet. It’s part of the section of John where Jesus says he is the vine and his disciples are the branches.

So why do I think about this on Veteran’s Day? Because I remember all those Veterans, of many wars, who volunteered (mostly) to go to a distant land where they might have to lay down their lives – for all of us. In my opinion, no matter what your view on wars (past or present), every single Veteran should be honored for this. Now, I’m not comparing Veterans to Jesus – exactly. Obviously, Jesus lay down his life to give us the gift of eternal life.

But Veterans go to war, knowing that they may die or be changed forever, and for so many of them the reason is “to keep America free.” In other words – they fight for us. If you think about it, it’s pretty awe-inspiring.

So this week, I challenge you to find a Veteran, and say thank you for your service. That’s all. It will mean so much to them – especially if you’re a stranger to them, I think! I see so many Veterans proudly wearing caps commemorating their service. If you keep your eyes peeled, you’ll see them, too. A simple “thank you for your service” is a profound way of honoring these men and women.

But you know what? I think there’s an equally important way. And that’s by advocating and working for peace, so that maybe, sometime, all our men and women who are in harm’s way can come home – for good. So there’s my other challenge – find a way to work for peace. Think this is just wishful thinking? Well, “you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”

Have a blessed week, my friends!

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