Sunday, July 12, 2009

Catch 'em being good!

Teenagers constantly amaze me. This weekend, two things happened that were just...well, so very cool.

Number 1: you may have heard about a swim club in the Philly area that is being accused of institutional racism. I don't know much about the story, although I am paying more attention now. BUT - a group of young people from the area went to the club, intending to protest. When they got there, though, they took the bold step of meeting with the leadership of the swim club, ASKING for the other side of the story, LISTENING to what the leadership had to say, DISCERNING that truth was being told, and then PRAYING with the leadership about the situation. AMAZING!!!

Another little story that warmed my heart...I loaned a couple of books on Martin Luther to a young woman in my church to use as references in a school project. I then promptly forgot that I had done so (you know, lots on my mind, some things get pushed out.) Today, on my desk, were the books, wrapped in ribbon, with a little note thanking me for the loan, updating me on the project, and letting me know that she really appreciated my loaning her the resources. It was just so thoughtful!!!

And stuff like this happens all the time with the teenagers. They're so cool! Lots of times, I think we only hear about people (teenagers or otherwise) when there's a problem. (Frankly, this is why I don't watch the news - it's too depressing). We don't always stop to notice the positive things that are happening all the time around us - some big things, some small things, but all amazing things.

Catch 'em being good! Notice the positive! And don't keep it to yourself!

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