Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tending the soil - an open letter to the youth of St. John's

I don’t know about you, but for me, the end of the summer is kind of a drag. Everything feels like it’s kind of on hold, and it’s too hot and muggy to breathe. (yes, I know I grew up in Texas, yes, I’ve become a big baby about the heat.) Vacations are (mostly) over, but school hasn’t started…yawnnnn.

Plus, the ministry work I’m doing is pretty blah right now too. It’s just cleaning my office, cleaning out files, updating email lists, getting letters ready, figuring out who’s going to be where, working on prayer partners…just a bunch of background stuff, really, mostly tedious computer stuff.

I was telling a friend at lunch today that during this couple of weeks, it’s a little hard to get motivated. I haven’t seen a lot of you all summer, and I may not see you until Rally Day (which is September 13th by the way). I get so much of my energy for ministry from all of you that it’s no wonder I’m running a little low right now. It’s not a bad low, really, it’s just…slow…and boring.

So driving in today, I didn’t really want to think about work. I let my mind wander a bit. You know how random thoughts just drift through your head sometimes? Well, for some reason I started thinking about that Facebook game Farmtown. And how I’ll have crops to harvest later this evening, and then I’ll have to plow – tend the soil to get it ready for new crops.
The next thing you know, I got a little visit from the Spirit, who had probably been hovering around, waiting for an opening in my brain to whisper encouragement. “You know what you’re doing at work? You’re TENDING THE SOIL!” the Spirit told me. Huh! Farmtown and tedious computer work collided in my mind and soul, and what do you know? The Spirit’s right!

Before the seeds can be planted and grown, the farmer has to get the soil ready. I’m no farmer (well, except online), but I imagine it’s not the most fun part of the job. It’s probably pretty hot, sweaty, boring work, turning over the soil, maybe getting rid of rocks and weeds, maybe adding some kind of fertilizer…can’t possibly be the most exciting. But boy, is it necessary!

All this background work I’m doing over the next couple of weeks is the same way. By cleaning my office, I’m getting ready to welcome you back any time you want to visit me this year. By cleaning out my files, I’m getting ready for new information and ministry opportunities that are coming down the line. By updating my emails lists, I’m ensuring that I am keeping the lines of communication to all of you open and efficient – so we can be in relationship in as many ways as possible. The letters (that will be coming late this month) will contain dates and some info about all the great stuff that’s happening in our church, synod, and in the national church. And the prayer partners? Well – we’ve got a fun new group of 7th graders starting confirmation, and we’re gonna make sure there are adults praying for them!

All of these little chores I need to accomplish at the end of every summer are really soil-tenders – getting things ready to go for the fall, so that all of you, the seeds and plants that are nourished here at St. John’s with God’s Love, can grow and flourish as we are in ministry together. (ok, I’m done with the farm analogies now. Haha)

I confess, I’m still not super-excited about all these little things, BUT I am excited about the new school year starting – because it means I get to be with you again! And that is truly the gift of this ministry. So thank you, Spirit, for giving me a little perspective and reminding me again why the boring stuff isn’t really all that boring after all. Thank you for the reminder that these tasks bring me that much closer to being with the youth of St. John’s, who always bring joy to the lives of the congregation (even when you’re driving us nuts – remember how joy can sometimes be wayyyy deep down?) Thank you for the reminder that the last few weeks of summer don’t have to be about the doldrums, they can be about…anticipation.

I love and miss you all – see you soon!
Have a blessed week, my friends,


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