Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So I came across this blog posting (link above) today and was very interested by the literary tattoos people choose to get.  Of my tattoos, only one is literary - song lyrics.  "We all shine on."  Relatively short, relatively small, around my wrist.  THESE folks had committed to their literary tattoos.  The pictures were great.  The blogger, who is absolutely entitled to her own opinion, seems to not like the idea of tattoos in general, and certainly doesn't want to get any.  Fair enough.

I read through the comments - many of the "tattoos are trashy and stupid and you'll regret it later" sort.  Hey, everyone's allowed to have their own opinion, so whatever.  But then I came across two comments that kinda expressed my own feelings about tattoos, so I thought I'd copy them down here so I can they don't get lost.  Well, let's be honest; so I can read them again without having to find the post, scroll through the comments, etc etc etc

Here we go:

"tattoos are the only art that no one can ever take from you. they cant be repossessed, they cant be altered by someone elses opinion. they are there for the wearer, the canvass, and nothing more. i dont see how someone can have an opinion on something that couldnt have less to do with them, other than something stereotypical. tattoos are not for the poor. they are not for the wealthy. they are for the people who like to wear their hearts, souls, or beliefs on the outside, to be reminded of them every time they look in the mirror. Tattoos are a statement of self. every tattoo has meaning… even the silly ones, because maybe that is the side of life that person values. tattoos seep into your blood and rarely have i met someone with a tattoo that didn’t love it, even if they didnt originally. they become part of you as much as you are a part of that piece of art." - comment by nell

"The difference between tattooed people and other people is that tattooed people don’t care if you don’t have any." - comment by I. Thomas

I confess, that second one made me giggle.